Purchase College Featured on Several “Best of” Lists
Purchase College, State University of New York (SUNY), has been selected for inclusion in several publications that rank the best colleges and programs in the nation.
As The Princeton Review points out, only about 15% of America’s 2,600 four-year colleges are profiled in their book. The Princeton Review chooses the colleges for the book based on data it annually collects from surveys of 2,000 college administrators about their institutions’ academic offerings. The company also reviews data from surveys of college students attending the schools who report on their experiences at their institutions.
The guide praises Purchase for its excellent range of academics, accepting culture, and creative, vibrant campus, with one student saying, “We’re all about finding new ways to think about things, from science to art to management.”
Other rankings that have recently included Purchase are just as selective, if not more selective.
Purchase College has recently been included in the following significant college ranking lists this summer:
• Purchase is listed as one of the “Top 389 Colleges” in the nation by the Princeton Review in the 2024 edition of their college guide. Purchase is also listed as a Best Northeastern College and a top Green College for its commitment to sustainability. Home to the acclaimed Performing Arts Center, Purchase was also ranked on the list of Best College Theaters.
• The Hollywood Reporter has named Purchase as one of the top 25 Acting Programs in the World for 2023 and among the “L.A. and New York Film Schools that Fly Under the Radar.”
• Backstage named Purchase among the 27 Acting Colleges You Should Know.
• Money included Purchase in their list of Best Colleges, which evaluates colleges based on quality, affordability, and student outcomes.
Purchase College, part of the State University of New York (SUNY) network of 64 universities and colleges, was founded in 1967 by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. His aspiration for Purchase was to create a dynamic campus that combined conservatory training in the visual and performing arts with programs in the liberal arts and sciences, in order to inspire an appreciation for both intellectual and artistic talents in all students. Today, Purchase College, SUNY is a community of students, faculty, and friends where open-minded engagement with the creative process leads to a lifetime of intellectual growth and professional opportunity. For more information about the college, visit www.purchase.edu.