
Mamaroneck Town Administrator Meredith Robson

Town Receives AAA Bond Rating; Capital Budget Amendments Discussed

By Stephen E. Lipken

Mamaroneck Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney opened the August 16 meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck with the great news that Moody’s Investors Service has informed them that the town has maintained its AAA Bond Rating, which will continue permitting the town to borrow money at the lowest possible interest rate.

Since we are approaching heating season, Eney relayed some safety information from ConEd regarding what to do if you smell natural gas, which smells like rotten eggs. Action must be taken quickly because if gas is in the air a spark could cause an explosion. No one should “light a match, smoke, flip a switch, ring a doorbell, or touch appliances or electronics, including  phones.” If you suspect a gas leak, call 911 or ConEd at 1-800-75-CONED.  

Supervisor Eney opened two Public Hearings regarding updating two chapters of the town’s Code of Law (town code). The first hearing was to discuss adding the federal holiday of Juneteenth to the list of holidays in Chapter 219, which is the Vehicle and Traffic Code. It lists the holidays on which many of the town’s parking rules are not applicable. The second hearing was to update Chapter 148 to include the prohibition of smoking in parks and fields and to remove incarceration as a form of punishment for violating Chapter 148. The law prohibits smoking within the town’s parks and fields and removes the possibility of incarceration for violating it. Rather, a fine will be the penalty for violating it. 

The board also passed a resolution codifying the town’s Commemorative Naming Policy, which has been a long-standing unwritten policy against naming places owned by the town for or after particular individuals or organizations. Under the codification, no town property of any kind shall be named for any living or deceased person or any organization.

Acknowledging that some may want to name a bench, plant a tree, or donate a parcel of land to the town in honor of someone, the town will allow such if the person who desires to do so obtains the town’s permission, installs only a commemorative plaque designed by a representative of the town so that such plaques in the town are uniform and not designed according to an individual’s taste, and pays for the donated item and the plaque.