Mayor Sharon Torres

200th Lafayette Anniversary; Flood Mitigation and Pedestrian Safety Discussed at Board Meeting

By Stephen E. Lipken

On July 8, at the Regular Meeting of the Village of Mamaroneck’s Board of Trustees, Jason Pinto, Superintendent of Recreation, discussed the 200th Anniversary of Marquis de Lafayette’s return to Mamaroneck. It will be celebrated in the 1816 School House on Boston Post Road, just outside Harbor Island Park on Sunday, August 18 at 1:00 p.m. John Pritts, President of the Mamaroneck Historical Society and Village Historian, will speak. There will also be historical reenactors and period music. The Lafayette Tour entourage will arrive at approximately 2:15 p.m. It will include a Marquis descendant, Virginie Lafayette, and will be formally greeted by dignitaries. Other presenting groups will include the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Sons of the American Revolution, the French American School of New York, and members of the American Legion Post 90, who will perform a 19-gun salute. 


Mayor Sharon Torres reported that she and Interim Village Manager Charles Strome met with Westchester County’s Director of Flood Mitigation and Stability, Dean Tarulli, on Tuesday, March 26, to see if they could get County grants to install cameras and gauges to evaluate putting in pumps. The meeting was also attended by County Legislator Catherine Parker. Intermunicipal cooperation was discussed along with the possibility of reviving the Long Island Sound Watershed Intermunicipal Council (LISWIC) to deal with issues affecting the Sound’s water quality.


Trustee Leilani Yizar-Reid presented an update on Pedestrian Safety. Included in the plans are adding a “No Right Turn on Red” at the New Street and Mamaroneck Avenue light and painting curb extensions and a “SCHOOL” stencil on Mamaroneck Avenue close to the Mamaroneck Avenue School. Also, trees and plants obstructing signage related to speed will be trimmed, and crossings will be added at the school, as well as school zone and speed feedback signs. Finally, the Village will install rapid flashing beacons at all side streets near MAS that don’t have signals and repaint faded crosswalks, stop bars, and pavement markings with retroreflective paint.