Larchmont Thomas J. Sullivan Police Officer of the Year, Natalie Messina (left) and Police Chief Chris McNerney.
New Police Officer Sworn In; Police Officer of the Year Announced
By Stephen E. Lipken
Larchmont Mayor Sarah Bauer opened a Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, on Monday, July 24th administering the Oath of Office to new Police Officer Keisel Pedro. Police Chief Chris McNerney presented the Thomas J. Sullivan Officer of the Year Award to Police Officer Natalie Messina.
LMC-TV Executive Director Matt Sullivan with Board President Mark Litvin appeared at the earlier Work Session. Sullivan discussed “Studio on the Avenue.” “This is a really exciting moment for LMC,” Sullivan averred. “One of the things that we struggled with for 40 years was accessibility and visibility. LMC is not a TV Station.”
Sullivan explained that “Studio on the Avenue,” under construction at 243 Mamaroneck Avenue, will have an acoustic, soundproof glass barrier to isolate the studio from street noises and create a “Today Show” feel. “We decided to create a residential seating area, a living room with couch and chairs so that people would feel comfortable, using it for broadcasts and classes, a place for non-profits and students.”
LMC-TV is celebrating their 40th Anniversary and will hold a Gala on October 11. For more information, visit their website at lmcmedia.org
Discussion then turned to providing sunshades for the Alma Field stands. A Resolution was passed, approving a downtown grant application and minor updates to Commercial Area Plan Resolution. The Village is contributing 10% toward the Grant, $25,000.
In other Regular Meeting business, Award Contract VA 23-02 for a Village Hall Heat System was awarded to Duel Fuel Corp, Mount Vernon in the amount of $151,000. An agreement to purchase body cameras from Axon was reached with the Police Department.
A license agreement with the Mamaroneck School District was executed regarding tree and shrubbery plantings, a gift of the PTA. The District will maintain and indemnify the Village for the plants.