Comprehensive Police and Fire Reports; Work Begun on Alma Field
By Stephen E. Lipken
Larchmont Mayor Sarah Bauer (in photo) called the June 17 Board of Trustees meeting to order.
Mayor Bauer announced the death of Caroline Birenbaum of the Larchmont Environmental Committee, remarking that Birenbaum played an instrumental role in banning gas-powered leaf blowers. Then Trustee Liaison to the Environmental Committee, Bauer became acquainted with Birenbaum in 2018. The current liaison, Brigid Brennan conveyed her condolences to Environmental Committee members.
Then Brennan announced the appointment of Virginia Watts to the Traffic Commission.
Police Lieutenant Paprota reported receiving notice regarding a possible suicidal 17-year-old male on June 15 at Larchmont Harbor at 9:00 p.m. New Rochelle Police Department searched the waters; the missing teen was located on Orienta Avenue at 11:50 p.m.
Lieutenant Paprota then reported a larceny on May 23, outside the Chase Bank on 125 Chatsworth Avenue. “The victim reported that she exited the bank after withdrawing approximately $13,000 in cash. Large thumbtacks were placed behind her rear tires. When the victim inspected her vehicle, a perpetrator entered her car and stole the bank envelope. The suspects fled the scene in a black vehicle.”
Fire Chief Richard Valentine referred to a live power line arcing on top of a vehicle around Magnolia and Prospect Avenues on May 22 at 1:31 p.m., setting the car on fire along with a brush fire. Con Ed crews shut down the power, which was restored later that afternoon. The Larchmont Fire Department was assisted by the Police, the Town of Mamaroneck Fire, and Con Ed Gas and Electric.
In other Village business, Fields for Kids, partnering with Flint Park Conservancy and the Village, is renovating Alma Field during the summer, funded by a $1 million grant from County Executive George Latimer and Legislator Catherine Parker.