BOL Chair Vedat Gashi
Legislative Highlights from the Westchester County Board of Legislators
On Monday, April 8th, the Westchester County Board of Legislators approved the Westchester Joint Water Works request to exchange land, passed key items to upgrade infrastructure in facilities across the County, voted to expand affordable housing inventory, and set a public hearing to address increasing tax breaks for seniors.
This is the sixth board meeting of 2024, and the Board is making steady progress to improve infrastructure and ease financial burdens on Westchester County residents. The Board is taking a comprehensive approach to address these issues, including physical improvements, affordable housing initiatives, and tax incentives for seniors, among other measures. Our goal is to support all the key areas that make Westchester a desirable place to work, live, and raise a family.
Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW)
The action before the Board of Legislators was an authorization of an act that would allow the County to negotiate and execute a land exchange.
Since last September, the Board of Legislators has done its due diligence holding committee meetings on the possibility of a land exchange, listening to input from the community, and stakeholders to ensure that if they are to proceed forward it is done with in the best interests of Westchester residents in mind.
The County Law department will be negotiating the terms of the exchange, and the resulting agreement is required to be in conformance with the Act adopted by the Board of Legislators. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will have continuing jurisdiction and oversight over the process to ensure that the environmental standards are met and maintained.
Legislator David Tubiolo (D – Yonkers, Mount Vernon) said, “After careful consideration of all factors, the alternative of taking no action at all would leave some residents and households of this County without permanent access to clean drinking water. Additionally, WJWW is under both a permanent injunction from the NYS Supreme Court and an Administrative Order from the EPA requiring this filtration plant to be built. Although this might be a difficult decision, it is a necessary vote.”
Legislator Catherine Parker (D – Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Rye) said “As an environmentalist, I believe everyone is entitled to clean drinking water. It is a basic human right. We do not want the residents of Westchester to end up like Flint, Michigan. This water filtration plant is essential to that basic human right for almost the entirety of those living along Westchester’s Sound Shore.”
Legislator Nancy Barr (D – Harrison, Rye Brook, Port Chester) said, “The vote to authorize a land exchange between the County and WJWW was one of the most difficult of my career. There is no question that building a filtration plant is necessary. There is also no question that chemicals of concern on airport property must continue to be monitored. However, with the appropriate environmental safeguards in place, I felt comfortable supporting the exchange. The land will remain in the NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program and will be subject to DEC oversight. Further, the BOL voted unanimously to pass a resolution stating our intention that the land the County is gaining will remain undeveloped. I want to thank all the advocates who provided input into this decision-making process, and the professional staff who brought their expertise to the table. The final legislation is better for their input.”
The first of three Infrastructure Bond Acts funded the replacement of the Uninterruptible Power Supply (“UPS”) System at the Department of Public Safety Headquarters in Hawthorne. The existing UPS power system is past its useful life. Hawthorne Headquarters is a 24/7 police facility with life safety responsibilities to take emergency telephone calls from members of the public and to dispatch police officers in the field by phone and radio. The police facility always requires a working UPS system.
The second Bond Act was for necessary improvements at the Richard J. Daronco Courthouse in White Plains to replace the existing revolving doors with a new entry vestibule with automatic sliding doors, add egress doors with security card readers, replace the Courthouse Tower and Annex roof, and install isolation valves in the domestic water system to avoid having to shut down the entire system when repairs are needed.
Third, the Port Chester Wastewater Treatment Plant will be receiving an electrical system upgrade and replacement of their heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, as well as minor upgrades to the Port Chester Sanitary Sewer District.
Legislator Nancy Bar said, “Investing in infrastructure is critical toward ensuring the health and well-being of Westchester’s current and future residents, and allocating resources to upgrade infrastructure is an integral component of my job as a Legislator. I thank my colleagues for voting alongside me to support an $11 million bond to finance the Port Chester Wastewater Treatment Plant Electrical System Upgrade. This funding will go toward the design, construction management and construction to replace and upgrade the electrical system, and to replace the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems at the plant, enabling the plant to function more effectively and efficiently.”
The Board also approved a Bond Act for $750,000 to finance the design of improvements to the White Plains TransCenter. The White Plains TransCenter is a major BeeLine bus hub adjacent to the White Plains Metro North train station.
Public Works & Transportation Chair Erika Pierce said, “Our White Plains TransCenter is overdue for a major update, and the funding approved will take these plans from the conceptual stage into design. From better wayfinding to improved lighting and safety, from providing real-time information regarding routes and arrival times to improving the experience of those with mobility challenges, this project will have major impacts on bus use in our County.”
Legislator Jewel Williams Johnson (D – Elmsford, Greenburgh, Tarrytown, White Plains), Budget and Appropriations Chair said, “The allocation to upgrade our Public Safety Headquarters’ uninterrupted power supply underscores our dedication to supporting law enforcement by providing the necessary tools and resources to carry out their duties effectively, especially in challenging circumstances. The investments in designing improvements to the main Bee-Line Transit Center in White Plains, the new electronic entry doors, vestibule, roof, as well as the installation of the water system upgrade for the Richard J. Daronco County Courthouse reflects our commitment to maintaining and improving our public facilities, as does the approved electrical system upgrade for the Port Chester Waste Water Treatment Plant ensuring they all meet the highest standards of safety and functionality. These infrastructure initiatives prioritize the safety and well-being of our residents and also contribute to the overall vitality of Westchester County.”
Affordable Housing
A site was identified at 345 McLean Avenue in the City of Yonkers to add to the Affordable Housing inventory. The parcel has been deeded back to the County from New York State as surplus property. The property will facilitate the development of 92 new affordable housing rental units, available to eligible senior households where all members are over the age of 62 who earn at or below 30% and up to 60% of the Westchester County area median income (“AMI”). The building will also include a community room/lounge, outdoor seating areas, management office, laundry facilities and 47 on-grade parking spaces.
Legislator Shanae Williams (D – Yonkers), Housing & Planning Chair said, “This project on McLean Avenue in Yonkers is a perfect example of what a great partnership between State, County, and City government looks like. We all understand how important and necessary good, quality, affordable housing is for our residents, therefore we are all on board to make it happen. I’m especially proud of the work my colleagues and I have been doing at the County level to provide more affordable housing for the residents of Westchester.”
Watch the Board Meeting Recap with BOL Chair Vedat Gashi at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIteV7lNNfs