Iona Prep High School Students Deliver Christmas Cheer
School buses loaded with generosity and a contingent of Iona Preparatory Upper School students brought joy and some Christmas cheer to the Hawthorne Country Day School (HCDS) in Hawthorne, which provides academic and vocational skills to children with autism and other intellectual disabilities.
Iona Prep students met with elementary, middle and high school students at the day school and provided Christmas gifts that the Iona Prep community purchased and wrapped over the last few weeks. The outreach first began with Eileen Bisordi, a parent of a 1991 Iona Prep graduate and the founder of the Hawthorne Country Day School (originally the Margaret Chapman School).
The now 37-year partnership has HCDS providing a Wish List of student presents, which are then purchased by the Iona Preparatory community. The Iona Prep Mothers’ Auxiliary then joined students over two days in wrapping the more than 350 gifts that were hand-delivered to the HCDS students before Christmas. In return, the Gaels received a number of creative and grateful thank you cards, as well as some first-hand perspective on what the Christmas season should really be about – spreading hope, peace, joy and love.
This initiative aligns with Iona Prep’s mission to develop young men into moral and ethical leaders who are dedicated to Christian service and who strive for spiritual, intellectual, and physical excellence.
Video Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ww8igos6gadly57rac9zl/h?rlkey=gak90ytxoioq1brpsj1t31tvr&dl=0. Video courtesy of Iona Prep.