Possible “Cancer Cluster” in Washingtonville Area Voiced
By Stephen E. Lipken
At the Village of Mamaroneck Board of Trustees meeting on March 11, resident Tim O’Connor presented the board with a packet of information regarding the possibility of a link between 21 types of cancer diagnosed within a quarter-mile radius of the Washingtonville area of Mamaroneck. O’Connor requested that an investigation be carried out.
Commenting on the possible Washingtonville cancer cluster, Mayor Sharon Torres stated, “I am deeply moved and concerned, not only about this cancer cluster but that it affects the same group of residents who have suffered through multiple floods and the damage that it brings, not only to their property but also their mental health.”
“I support moving forward and working with the county and/or Department of Health to take the next steps in requesting any official studies that need to be done. Water and soil need to be tested, and soon. The Village of Mamaroneck needs to re-prioritize and put the residents affected by flooding and cancer clusters first. This should be our priority. Everything else is second.”
On another note, Deputy Village Manager Dan Sarnoff said that he met with Army Corps of Engineers Brigadier General John P. Lloyd on March 1 regarding potential flooding sites.
“Right now, we have a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) which says that your house can be ‘x’ number of square feet based on the size of your lot but says nothing about the amount of impervious surface you have,” Sarnoff remarked. “It establishes limits for an effective lot coverage law in the Village going forward. Current FAR is 45%.”
Finally, three Public Hearings were approved; the first establishing exceeding the Tax Cap Establishment for the 2024/25 Budget; the second, amending the schedule of Minimum Impervious Coverage Requirements for Residential and Nonresidential Districts; the third, amending Chapter 21, Code of Ethics.