Cara Pensabene, MD
Mastercard Executive Leads 2024 Westchester Fairfield Go Red for Women® Movement
Cara Pensabene, MD, Vice President, Global Medical Director at Mastercard, has been named Centennial Chair of the American Heart Association’s Westchester Fairfield Go Red for Women movement, a worldwide initiative of the American Heart Association designed to increase women’s heart health awareness and serve as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women locally, national and globally.
This year, Go Red also celebrates 20 years of making an impact as the movement continues to make bold moves to save lives and pioneer scientific discoveries.
“I’m honored to serve as the Centennial Chair for the Westchester Fairfield Go Red for Women movement,” said Dr. Pensabene. “Since 2004, Go Red for Women has addressed the awareness and clinical care gaps of women’s greatest health threat, cardiovascular disease. We need to continue focusing on cardiovascular health in women because it remains the leading cause of death. The simple truth is that most cardiovascular diseases can still be prevented with education and healthy lifestyle changes.”
For two decades Go Red for Women has been saving and improving women’s lives by advancing equitable research and care, advocating for inclusive health policies, and raising awareness. As women grow and change so does their risk for cardiovascular disease. Go Red for Women is here for their health and well-being at every age, stage, and season of their lives.
“The American Heart Association believes everyone deserves the opportunity for a longer, healthier life and it’s been the mission to fulfill that vision and I hope we can help provide that through this campaign,” said Dr. Pensabene.
The American Heart Association’s centennial is a celebration of the lifesaving achievements and shared vision for a bold second century that will exponentially advance heart and brain health. The Association will continue to lead breakthroughs in science and technology, improve healthcare, and advocate for federal, state, and local policies that drive healthier lifestyles.
The 2024 Go Red for Women movement in Westchester and Fairfield Counties is nationally sponsored by CVS Health and locally by Mastercard, White Plains Hospital, Fujifilm, and Northwell Health.
This year’s Go Red for Women movement and its local achievements will be celebrated on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at The Whitby Castle in Rye, NY.
For more information, please visit www.heart.org/goredwestchester.